Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Few Different Trades than Usual

I actually have been doing a few things that I haven't usually done in the past six months. I have traded naked stock (EWC and DBA), I traded AAPL (Apple Computer), and I got long some SPU's. First of all, I rarely trade stock by itself. I usually prefer to have several different options or offsetting positions such as stock pairs  involved . Next, I rarely trade AAPL. In the past several months AAPL hasn't been that interesting. It had low vol and ranging action which stinks. However, AAPL just fell down on that Iphone news, so I couldn't resist selling some premium. However, the volatility in it stinks right now I still couldn't resist. And then, I got long S&P's. I haven't done that in a while! However, I primarily did it through selling Vol as the VIX is now grinding lower again. So, I think at this point it is likely to keep falling just from the current market conditions. At the current time, the S&P keeps blasting upward and all fear has gone away. This is scaring me on the short side, so I am selling vol, trading a lot, and staying as mechanical as possible. As for my other general positions, I have short delta in oil, long delta in the yen, short bonds, long a little emerging markets, short vol in Mexico (EWW iron condor, long delta in individual stocks with high vol percentile (BBRY, XLU, JCP, EEM). I also have a wide butterfly in XLE which will be a position that will sit until very close to expiration. Another iron condor was in HPQ when the vol was a little higher, but right now I am just sitting and waiting in there. As for the major market opinions I have I think oil is over extended because the "war risk" isn't that great, gold/silver/miners might be some good longs as we have seen gold fall, I , and bonds are still crappy as we continue to see interest rates rise and more people liquidating.

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