Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I admit it! I am long

Yep, I am long. Todays action was very mixed. You had GOOG down over 1%, you have AAPL down 1.5%, AMZN a little bit weak, Utilities weak, Oil weak, SBUX weak, and Dow very weak. However, Vix is weak, bonds are getting to an interesting topping area, TSLA is strong, Home Builders are strong, Russel is pretty strong, euro is strong, YHOO is strong, and BIDU is strong. However, the S&P is not showing a lot of weakness, so I am long. My positions delta wise are short some stuff long oil, long S&P, short bonds (due to correlation it means long stocks), long gold and different gold miners, and short euro (not including more specific individual positions). As for some main stocks delta wise I am short AAPL, long GOOG, I have a calendar spread in SBUX, a broken wing butterfly in XLE, I am long a call directional diagonal spread in FXI, and long a little GDX. So those are basically my positions and hopefully that gives you guys some ideas.

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