Today (premium play):
Since this is a trade that I don't have a particular opinion in, but I still wanted to do a skewed iron condor I gave it skew to the upside. The trade has a $33 dollar risk to the upside, a $133 dollar risk to the downside, and a max profit of $67 giving it a 66.5% chance of making money. The vol in the product is also pretty decent trading around the 62% percentile in its one year range (it is best to do iron condors into high vol because of the premium). I prefer skewed condors because it decreases risk to one side if the markets fall to far and since there is a 16.75% chance that either side of the condor is in the money by expiration you might as well decrease risk on one side because between that 33.5% chance of not being profitable you have a 50/50 chance of being on one side or the other, so lets reduces the risk on one side (if you did a normal iron condor the risk is the same on both sides). The only bad thing about the skewed is your sweet spot (area of max profit) can tend to be a little smaller.
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